
Articles in Refereed Journals

“Uprooting and Settling In: The Invisible Strength of Deficit Thinking” (With Manu Sharma), Learning Landscapes, 8, 1, 2014: 251-267. PDF: Uprooting and Settling In: The Invisible Strength of Deficit Thinking

“Philosophy as Policy, Policy as Philosophy: Reviving a Radical Relationship” (with Laura Pinto), Antistasis, 4,2, 2014: 24-29. PDF: Philosophy as Policy, Policy as Philosophy: Reviving a Radical Relationship

“Putting the Learner into the Curriculum, not the Curriculum into the Learner: A Case for Negotiated Integrated Curriculum” (with Emmanuel O’Grady, John O’ Reilly, & Candy Beal), International Journal of Pedagogical Innovations, 2, 2, 2014: 51-63.

“Neoliberalism, Subversion, and Democracy in Education” (with Christina Konecny), Encounters, Fall 2013. PDF: Neoliberalism, Subversion, and Democracy in Education

“When Innovation and Pedagogy Matter,” International Journal of Pedagogical Innovation, 1,1, 2013. PDF: When Pedagogy and Innovation Matter

“The Challenges of Democratic Education and Cosmopolitanism in Neo-liberal Times” Queen’s Education Letter, Fall/Winter 2012: 9-11. PDF: The Challenges of Democratic Education

“Teacher induction and social justice: School administrators’ perspectives”  ( with Pinto, L.E, Rottman, C., Pashby, K., Barrett, S.E. & Mujawamariya, D.) Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy, 129, 1-22, 2012.

“Charismatic, competent or transformative? Ontario school administrators’ perceptions of good teachers” (with Pinto, L.E, Rottman, C., Pashby, K., Barrett, S.E. & Mujawamariya, D.)  Journal of Teaching and Learning, 8(1), 72-90, 2012. PDF: Charismatic, Competent, or Transformative?

“The Hidden Curriculum of a Teacher Induction Program” (with Patrick Solomon, Sarah Barrett, Jordan Singer, and Donatille Mujuwamariya), Canadian Journal of Education , 32, 4 (2009): 677-702. PDF: The Hidden Curriculum of a Teacher Induction Program

“Mentorship and Induction:Negotiating a Collaborative Enterprise or Apprenticing for Status Quo Maintenance? (with Christine L. Cho, Sarah Elizabeth Barrett, Patrick Solomon, and Donatille Mujawamariya), Brock Education, 18, No. 2, Spring 2009, 114-130. PDF: Mentorship and Induction

“Talking about Social Justice and Leadership in a Context of Accountability,” Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 18, 1&2, 2008: 24-51. (Co-authored with Jim Ryan, Reva Joshee , Michael De Angelis, Darrin Griffiths, and Lindy Zaretsky). PDF: Talking about Social Justice and Leadership in a Context of Accountability

“Standardized Teacher Testing Fails Excellence and Validity Tests,” Teaching Education, 16,4, 2005: 281-295 (Co-authored with Patrick Solomon, Sarah Barrett, and Donatille Mujawamariya). PDF: Standardized Teacher Testing Fails Excellence and Validity Tests

“The discourse of denial: How White teacher candidates construct race, racism and ‘White privilege’”,  Race and Ethnicity in Education, 8, 2, 2005, 147-169 Co-authored with Patrick Solomon; Beverly-Jean Daniel; Arlene Campbell). PDF: The discourse of denial

“Why Critical-Democratic Engagement?,” Journal of Maltese Education Research, 2, 2, 2004, 39-45 (Co-authored with Brenda McMahon). PDF: Why Critical-Democratic Engagement?

“Environmental Reflections: Insights from Dewey and Freire,” Journal of Thought 39, 3, 2004, 59-80 (Co-authored with Graham McDonough).

“Engagement for What? Beyond Popular Discourses of Student Engagement,” Leadership and Policy in Schools., 3, 1, 2004, 59-76. (Co-authored with Brenda McMahon). PDF: Engagement for What?

“Critical Practice in Elementary Schools: Community, Voice, and the Curriculum of Life,”  International Journal of Educational Change, 3, 2, 2002, 93-116. (Co-authored with Ann Vibert, Carolyn Shields, and Linda LaRocque). PDF: Critical Practice in Elementary Schools

“Dialogue as Research,” Journal of Thought, 37, 2, 2002, 33-44. (Co-authored with Carole MacInnis).

“Introduction to special issue on “ethics and educational leadership,” Journal of Thought, 37, 1, 2002,  3-9 (Co-authored with Douglas Simpson).

“A Curriculum of Life,” Education Canada, 42, 2, Spring, 2002, 36-39 (Co-authored with Ann Vibert). PDF: A Curriculum of Life

“Standards, Equity, and the Curriculum of Life,”  Analytic Teaching,, 22, 1, November, 2001, 5-15. (Co-authored with Ann Vibert) PDF: Standards, Equity, and the Curriculum of Life

“Fr. Mizzi’s Contribution to the Maltese Catholics in Toronto” in Historical Studies, 67, 2001, 57-79. PDF: Fr. Fortunato Mizzis Contributions

“School Leadership and Critical Practice in an Elementary School: Possibilities and Struggles” in Journal of Exceptionalities, 10, 1&2, 2000, 23-36. (Co-authored with Ann Vibert). PDF: School Leadership and Critical Practice in an Elementary School

“Desenmascarar el Curriculum Oculto,” in Revista de Estudios del Curriculum, 1, 1, 1998: 124-145. (This is a translation of “Exposing the Hidden Curriculum”, 1993. The article was selected for publication in the first issue from all the articles published over the last 35 years in the international journal, Journal of Curriculum Studies).

“Children, Philosophy, and Democracy: A Response to Morehouse and Bellous,” in Analytic Teaching (U.S.A.), 18, 1, November 1997: 35-38.

“Dare We Criticize Common Educational Standards?” (co-authored with Ann Vibert), McGill Journal of Education, 32, 1, Winter 1997: 69-79.

“Democracy in Education: Beyond the Conservative or Progressivist Stances,” Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines (U.S.A.), 16, 1, Autumn 1996: 9-21. PDF: Beyond the Conservative or Progressivist Stances

“Reconsidering Whole Language: Slogans, Myths, and Ironies,” English Quarterly, 27, 1-2, Fall 1994 – Winter 1995: 7-9.

“A Philosophical Perspective of the ‘Shapiro Report'”, Paideusis: The Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 8, 1, Fall 1994: 29-38.

“The Challenge of Teaching for Critical Thinking,” The McGill Journal of Education. 29, 2, 1994: 137 – 152. PDF: The Challenge of Teaching for Critical Thinking

“Exposing the Hidden Curriculum,” The Journal of Curriculum Studies, 25, 4, 1993: 343-358.

“The ‘Discussion – Case Study Approach’ in Introduction to Philosophy of Education Courses,” Education (University of Malta), 4, 3, 1992: 15-25.

“From Text to Textuality: Using McLaren’s Life in School,” The Journal of Education (Boston University), 173, 3, 1991: 15-28.

“Teaching Philosophy of Education: The Discussion – Case-Study Approach,” Paideusis: The Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 4, 1, Fall 1990: 25-31.

“The Socratic Method and Philosophy for Children,” (revised), Metaphilosophy, 21, 1/2, 1990: 141-161.

“Philosophy for Children: An Example of the Public Dimension in Philosophy of Education,” Eidos, 4, 2, 1988: 183-194.

“Curriculum as Planned:  An Evaluative Concept”, Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 3, 2, December 1988: 23-34.

“On Defining Curriculum”. Journal of Curriculum and Supervision, 2, 4, 1987: 354-367.

“Analytic Philosophy of Education:  Development and Misconceptions”. Journal of Educational Thought, 21, 1, April 1987: 20-32.

“On Reed and Discussing Philosophy with Children”. Teaching Philosophy, 9, 3, 1986: 247-251.

Review article of Controversies in Teaching (1985) by William Hare. McGill Journal of Education, 21, 2, Spring 1986: 169-175.

“Education, Work and Imagination:  A Critique of the Views of Mary Warnock”. McGill Journal of Education, 21, 1, Winter 1986: 23-38.

“Curriculum and Subject Matter”. Analytic Teaching (Texas, U.S.A.), 7, 1, 1986: 19-21.

“The Curriculum and Meaningful Objectives”. Analytic Teaching (Texas, U.S.A.), 6, 2, May 1986: 4-9.

“Curriculum and Teaching Methods”. Analytic Teaching (Texas, U.S.A.), 5, 1, December 1984: 12-14.

“The Myth that Avicenna Reproduced Aristotle’s Concept of Imagination”. Scripta Mediterranea (University of Toronto), 3, 1, 1982: 122-134.

Other Articles

Leadership for Equity in Education: Deficit mentality is a major challenge” in Fedcan Blog, January 2010

“Isn’t it a problem if I bring in Politics into the Classroom?” in Educational Activism: Resources for Change (OISE/OSSTF/UNICEF Partnership), 2009: 37-38.

“Reflections on Shades of Brown” in Proceedings of the Shades of Brown Conference, July 2007.

“Adrian Grima: Poeta u Attivista” (“Adrian Grima: Poet and Activist”) in L-Ahbar  (Maltese-Canadian monthly magazine),  October 2006.

“Twemmin, Tradizzjonjiet, u Identita’ ”  (“Beliefs, Traditions and Identity”) in L-Ahbar  (Maltese-Canadian monthly magazine), January-February 2006.

“Intervista ma’ Holly Buttigieg”  (An Interview with Holly Buttigieg”) in L-Ahbar  (Maltese-Canadian monthly magazine), December 2005.

“Il-Knisja ta’ San Pawl Appostlu f’ Toronto Taghlaq 75 Sena” (The 75th Anniversary of St. Paul the Apostle Church, Toronto) in L-Ahbar , October-November 2005.

“St. Paul the Apostle Church: 75th Anniversary” in The Sunday Times of Malta,  6 November 2005.

“History of the St. Paul the Apostle Parish: 1930-2005” in Commemorative 75th Anniversary Booklet, Toronto, ON, September 2005.

“Jimrah il-Mohh” (Wanders the Mind) in L-Ahbar, March-April 2005

“A Short History of St. Paul the Apostle Church, Toronto,” The Strand (Web site magazine), Jan-Feb 2005.

“The Strand: Web Site Magazine fuq Malta” (The Strand: A New Maltese Web Site Magazine), in L-Ahbar , Jan-Feb 2004.

Bejn Zewg Dinjiet: Sena Wara” (In Between: A year After) in L-Ahbar, December 2004.

“L-Ahwa John u Paul Micallef: Ghawdxin-Kanadizi Professuri tal-Filosofija fil-Kanada” ( John and Paul Micallef: Maltese Canadian Professors of Philosophy”) in L-Ahbar (Maltese-Canadian monthly magazine), March-April, 2004.

“Tifkira ta’ Joe Formosa (1913-2004)” (In Memory of Joe Formosa (1913-2004), in L-Ahbar, February 2004.

“It-Tenur Victor Micallef: Malti-Kanadiz fl-Italja” (Tenor Victor Micallef: A Maltese-Canadian in Italy) in L-Ahbar,  December 2003.

“Patri Alfonse Cauchi (1880-1943): L-Ewwel Kappillan tal-Knisja tal-Maltin” (Fr. Alfonse Cauchi, 1880-1943, First Pastor of the Maltese Church in Toronto) in L-Ahbar, October-November, 2003.

“Intervista ma’ Milo Vassallo:Mill-ufficcju tat-telegrafija ghal dak ta’ Konslu Generali” (An Interview with Milo Vassallo, Consul General of Malta in Canada) in L-Ahbar, Summer, 2003.

“Profili ta’ Emigranti: Ktieb Iehor Interessanti ta’ Fr. Lawrence Attard” (Profiles of Immigrants: Another interesting Book by Fr. Lawrence Attard) in  L-Ahbar June, 2003.

“Joe M. Ruggier: Maltese Poet and Author in Vancouver” in L-Ahbar May, 2003.

“Il-Madonna ta’ Pinu u n-‘National Shrine of North America’” (Our Lady of ta’ Pinu and the National Shrine of North America) in L-Ahbar, May, 2003.

“Professjonisti u Neguzjanti Maltin fil-Kanada, 1831-1948″ (Maltese Professionals and Businesses in Canada, 1831-1948) in L-Ahbar  April, 2003

“Festa ta’ San Pawl b’Tifkira Specjali ghall-Patrijiet Frangiskani” (A Special Tribute to the Franciscans (1951- 1999) at St. Paul Church) in L-Ahbar, February-March, 2003.

“Dun Gwann Azzopardi: Arkivista u Kuratur tal-Muzew tal-Katidral ‘il Fuq Minn Tletin Sena” (Rev. Fr. John Azzopardi: Archivist and Curator of the Cathedral Museum of Malta for 30 years), L-Ahbar, January, 2003.

“Tahdita mit-Tabib Anthony Galea, Espert Mediku ta’ l-Isports” (Dr. Anthony Galea, a Maltese-Canadian Medical Sports Specialist), L-Ahbar, December, 2002.

“Joseph Muscat: Maltese-Canadian Artist and Organizer of the Arts as Ritual Exhibition” in L-Ahbar, November, 2002.

“Wirja f’Toronto ta’ Seba’ Artisit ta’ Origini Maltija – Tahdita minn Joseph Muscat” (Art Exhibition in Toronto by Seven Maltese-Canadian Artists) in L-Ahbar, October, 2002.

“Francesco Saverio Sciortino: Skultur Malti li Ghex f’Montreal” (F.S. Sciortino: A Maltese Sculptor who lived in Montreal) in L-Ahbar, September, 2002.

“L-Esperjenza ta’ Grupp Malti fil-World Youth Day” (The Experience of a Maltese Group at the World Youth Day) in L-Ahbar, August, 2002.

“Fr. Lawrence Bonavia 1919-2002: Missjunarju Malti li Habb lill-Emigrant” (Fr. L. Bonavia 1919-2002: A Maltese Missionary Who Dedicated His Life to Immigrants), L-Ahbar, July, 2002.

“Sellimna lil Patri Frankie Cini MSSP” (Farewell to Fr. Cini), L-Ahbar, June, 2002.

“Il-Maltese Canadian Society of Toronto Taghlaq 80 Sena” (The Maltese Canadian Society of Toronto: 80 Years Old) in L-Ahbar, May, 2002.

“John M. Farrugia 1904-1998: Malti Kanadiz li Hadem bis-Shih ghad-Dar tal-Providenza ta’ Toronto” (John M. Farrugia 1904-1998: A Maltese-Canadian Who Contributed Greatly to Providence House, Toronto) in L-Ahbar (Maltes-Canadian monthly magazine), April, 2002.

“L-Istatwa ta’ San Pawl Taghlaq 70 sena” (The Statue of St. Paul is 70 Years Old) in L-Ahbar, March, 2002.

“Il-Fondazzjoni ARKA u x-Xoghol Habrieki ta’ Dun Manwel Curmi” (ARKA Foundation and the Contribution of Fr. Curmi) in L-Ahbar, February, 2002

“Patri Grace Agius C.S.B. (1915-1998): L-Ewwel Malti li Qaddes fil-Kanada” (Fr. Grace Agius C.S.B., 1915-1998, the First Maltese to be Ordained in Canada) in L-Ahbar, January, 2002.

“Il-Hsieb u s-Sehem ta’ L-Ahbar” (The Thought and Contribution of L-Ahbar) in L-Ahbar, December, 2001.

“Il-Maltin u Toronto’s Many Faces” (The Maltese and Toronto’s Many Faces – book review) in L-Ahbar, November, 2001.

“Il-Maltin ta’ Triq Draper, Toronto, fil-Bidu tas-Seklu Ghoxrin” (The Maltese of Draper Street, Toronto, in the beginning of the 20th Century) in L-Ahbar, October, 2001.

“Il-Festa ta’ Santa Marija u z-Zjara tal-Banda Konti Ruggieru f’Toronto” (The Feast of St. Mary and the Visit of Count Roger Band in Toronto) in L-Ahbar, September, 2001.

“Aktar Taghrif Dwar il-Maltin ta’ Toronto fl-1913-14: It-Tieni Parti, Il-Maltin li kisbu ghajnuna mill-Ghaqda San Vincenz de Paul” (More Information about the Maltese in Toronto in 1913-14, Part 2) in L-Ahbar, August, 2001.

“Aktar Taghrif Dwaril-Maltin ta’ Toronto fl-1913-14: L-Ewwel Parti, L-ittra ta’ “C.M.” (More Information about the Maltese in Toronto in 1913-14, Part 1) in L-Ahbar, July, 2001.

“Bejn Malta u Minnesota: Il-Kavallieri ta’ Malta u l-Hill Monastic Manuscript Library” (From Malta to Minnesota; The Knights of Malta and the Hill Monastic Manuscript Library) in L-Ahbar, June, 2001.

“Malta Band Club: Tletin Sena” (History of the Malta Band Club, 1971-2001) in L-Ahbar, May, 2001.

“More Light on Maltese in Toronto, 1913-14,” Sunday Times of Malta, 8 April, 2001.

“Sellimna lil P. Mark Demanuele, kif kien Xieraq” (Farewell to Fr. Mark Demanuele) in L-Ahbar, April, 2001.

“Il-festa ta’ San Pawl ghal darba ohra Ccelebrata bil-kbir: Funzjonijiet Religjuzi, Arti, Banda u Ghana” (Religious Functions, Art and Folklore Music at the St. Paul the Apostle Church) in L-Ahbar, March, 2001.

“X’nafu dwar il-Malti Kanadiz Louis Shickluna (1808-1880)” (What Do We Really Know about Louis Shickluna (1808-1880, the Maltese-Canadian Pioneer?), in L-Ahbar, February, 2001.

“Il-Milied Igib fit-tmiem Sena ta’ Festi fil-Knisja tal-Maltin” (Christmas Concludes a Year of Festivities at the Maltese Church in Toronto), in L-Ahbar, January, 2001.

“Il-Pjan li ma Sehhx: L-Emigrazzjoni tal-Maltin lejn British Columbia fl-1913″ (The Plan that never Materialized: The Emigration of Maltese to British Columbia in 1913), in L-Ahbar, December 2000.

“Il-Maltin Irrapresentati fil-Canada at the Millenium” (The Maltese Represented in Canada at the Millenium in L-Ahbar,  November 2000.

“Maltese National Parish in Toronto is 70 Years Old,” Sunday Times of Malta, 26 November, 2000.

“Riflessjoniet dwar l-Istorja tal-Knisja San Pawl Appostlu fl-Okkazjoni tas-Sebghin Anniversarju tal-Parrocca Nazzjonali Maltija f’Toronto” (Reflections on the History of St. Paul the Apsotle Maltese National Church in Toronto on its 70th Anniversay) in L-Ahbar, October 2000.

“L-Ewwel Festa tal-Vitorja fil-Kanada Ccelebrata fil-belt ta’ Winnipeg fl-1913″ (The First Maltese National Day Feast Celebrated in Winnipeg in 1913″) in L-Ahbar, September 2000.

“Mill-Hanut ta’ Borg ghall-Malta Bake Shop” (“From the Borg’s Store to the Malta Bake Shop”) in L-Ahbar, August 2000.

“Joe Formosa: Malti-Kanadiz b’qalb tad-deheb” (“Joe Formosa: A Maltese-Canadian with a Golden Heart”) in L-Ahbar, July 2000.

“Rev. Fr. Fortunato Mizzi O.F.M. Cap. (1880-1945): Patri Mali li Habrek ma’ l-Emigranti fil-Kanada”  (“A Maltese Priest who Laboured with Immigrants in Canada”) in L-Ahbar, June 2000.

“ ‘Sleight of Hand’ – Film Dwar John Giordmaine”  (“Sleight of Hand – A film on John Giordmaine”) in L-Ahbar, May 2000.

“Il-Maltin fil-Kanada fis-Seklu Dsatax”  (“The Maltese in Canada in the 19th Century”) in L-Ahbar (Toronto), April 2000.

“Il-Festa ta’ San Pawl mal-MSSP – Success Kbir” (“The Feast of St. Paul with the MSSP – A Big Success”) in L-Ahbar (Toronto), March 2000.

“A Brief History of Early Maltese in Toronto and the Maltese-Canadian Society of Toronto, Inc.” (co-authored with Richard Cumbo), in The Maltese-Canadian Society of Toronto, Inc., 75th. Anniversary, Toronto: M.C.S.T., 1997, 12 pages.

“Doing Philosophy with Children: What Possibilities?” (Interviewed by the Sunday Times of Malta), The Sunday Times, 7 June 1992: 8-9.

“Consensus, Indoctrination, and Relativism: A Response to Ryan”, Ethics in Education, 8, 3, 1988: 13-14.

Bibliography on “Philosophy for Children”. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Department of Education, Mount Saint Vincent University, June 1987, 20 pp.

“Philosophy for Children in the Schools”. Education McGill Education, 1, 1, 1983: 46-53.

Book Reviews

“Critical book review of Rakkmu (poetry) by Dr. Adrian Grima and an interview with the author” in Gensillum (Maltese weekly magazine), September 2006.

Creative Thinking: New Perspectives (1996), Sandra Dingli (editor). Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 2, 1, 1997.

Free Children and Democratic Schools:  A Philosophical Study of Liberty and Education (1989) by Rosemary Chamberlin. Paideusis: The Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 6, 1, 1992: 39-42.

To Think (1990) by Frank Smith.  Educational Studies, 23, 2, 1992: 188-194.

Life in Schools: An Introduction to Critical Pedagogy in the Foundations of Education (1989) by Peter McLaren. Reflections on Canadian Literacy, 9, 1, 1991: 54-57.

Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity (1988) by Sharon Bailin. Journal of Educational Administration and Foundations, 6, 1, 1991: 59-60.

Autonomy and Schooling (1988) by Eamonn Callan. The McGill Journal of Education, 24, 2, 1989: 224-229.

Philosophy of Lifelong Education (1987) by Kenneth Wain. The Canadian Journal for the Study of Adult Education, 2, 1, May 1988: 68-72.

Rethinking Education:  The Coming Age of Enlightenment (1986) by Roger J. William. The McGill Journal of Education, 22, 2, 1987: 169-171.

In Defence of Open-Mindedness (1985) by William Hare. The Journal of Moral Education (England), 15, 3, October 1986, 253-255.